A blog to follow the members of Wayzata Free Church and friends as they travel to Poland to teach English and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Who Knew...?

First of all, sorry that I didn't post yesterday! I know many of you are faithfully following the blog so as to pray for us, but with yesterday being the last full day of camp, I really wanted to just enjoy the last moments with the Polish campers!

The past few days have been a whirlwind! Our team spent almost 6 hours today debriefing! It was a really special time where we were able to reflect on how we saw God working. There were many tears and laughs shared and I would really encourage you all to ask one of us about the things shared during this time. I will try and share a few now though.

As I was thinking about this trip, I thought that yes I was going to Poland to serve God, but what real difference can I make. Its not like I am going to change the world, but as I was listening to everyone tell stories of God's work, I realized that we may not be changing the whole world, but we changed the world for some people at this camp. In fact, 13 people wrote on their camp evaluations that they made a decision to follow Christ. This is unbelievable! According to Mike, there has never been this many people at any of the other camps. We know that when just one person turns their heart to God, that the angels in heaven rejoice! Well there is a major celebration going on right now! Many others stated that they got closer to God during this week and they have not made a decision yet, but would like to try a Protestant church. I would like to thank you once again for your prayers and financial support. We felt God moving in ways that I have never felt before. You had a part in these transformations! Even though you may not have been here, your support is life changing, and not only for the Polish people. Those of us on the trip, have also been changed. Who knew that when we signed up for this trip that it wasn't the Polish people that were going to experience God, but that we were going to see God in ways that are just unbelievable. I am struggling for words right now to describe it. There is a song that has been in my head and I think it really describes a bit of this trip. Click here to listen to it!

Please do not stop praying! Our team has two specific prayer requests right now.
1. That the Polish people who have been impacted with get plugged in and connected with strong believers and a church. So many have had such wonderful experiences and it is important that they continue in their journey, and not alone.
2. Pray for our team as we are tired. We still have a few more days together and so pray that we can keep our servant hearts and that we will be able to spend some quality time together!


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