A blog to follow the members of Wayzata Free Church and friends as they travel to Poland to teach English and spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Welcome to the Poland Blog!

Hello all!
I just wanted to welcome you to the blog. This is Annie Beasley and I will be updating the blog along with my sister Amber Kantor as often as we can. We will also try and post pictures of our trip so that you can see what we are up to. Feel free to comment on our postings and we can try and pass on your messages to the rest of the team. For those of you who are wanting a little more information about this trip, here are some of the details.

Wayzata Free Church has partnered with a church in Poland for quite a few years now to provide the people and materials to run an English Immersion Camp. Because of the consistency of this ministry, the camps fill quickly with people who are wondering why Americans would give up their time and money to come and serve them. It is a perfect opportunity to share the love of Christ with them. The Polish church has an English school which brings in many people who would never go to church, but are very interested in learning English. At the school, they promote this English Immersion Camp, staffed by Americans, and many Poles are anxious to attend. We are all very excited to bring the Word of God to the Polish people and to gain a broader perspective of the world and God’s people. Our team leaves on the 8th of July (Thursday- its coming up so soon!) and most return on the 21st, I believe. Myself, Amber, and her husband Matt are staying a few extra days to travel with the Pastor and his family. Also, Carroll Miller has already left to visit a few different churches throughout Poland.

As we are preparing to go, I hope that you will begin or continue to pray for us! I would ask that you specifically pray that our team can be unified and supportive of one another, that we will stay healthy and energized, and that we will be effective in our teaching of the Polish people. Please also pray for safe travel and that in these last few days we will not feel stressed or anxious and that we will be prepared for this trip.

Lastly, I just want to thank you all for your support. It means so much to all of us on the team to have such a strong home base that has given financially and has committed to pray for us. We have already felt the benefits of these prayers as so many of ours have been answered. Honestly, I have never been a part of a group that has had so many prayers answered. It seems that every request some has given, God answers it quickly. It has been truly amazing to see the power that prayers have. So, thank you and please keep praying.


  1. My prayers are with your entire team.
    May the Lord truly use each one of your for his glory!

  2. Thanks for starting this blog. It will be great to track with you each day. I love that prayer knows no distance. Praying for the suitcases right now, particularly if they contain the peanut butter! -Joann for the Swenson family
